Hear and See your Customer

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of any successful business (unless you're a commodities trader). Get feedback and testimonials while creating interactive stories that engage your customers. Upgrade your existing customer touchpoints into UGC pipelines!


Lead by Influence

It’s your job to not only know where the boat is rowing, but to get everyone’s stroke in sync. The tools we use to influence are often inadequate, email is boring, Slack/Teams is out of control, walking around or all-hands are great, but take a lot of time and don’t scale. Engage your entire organization with video stories that allow you to easily understand your impact AND get critical insight into your culture. It’s okay you don’t have to call yourself the coxswain.

Sales and Customer Success

We want to help you engage with your customer AND lead your team in an innovative way. No matter which way you’re focusing, loops will help you get the answers you need to make decisions and maybe have a little fun while you do it.

Remote & Distributed Teams

Is your calendar fighting how the Earth spins on its axis? Having team members all over the globe is a great for diversity and productivity, but can create real issues for teams trying to stay in sync. With loops everyone can exchange ideas and ask questions from one another without the added stress of whether the sun has set.


Async for Any Team

Asynchronous ways of working can free our teams, reduce meeting load, and still maintain strong connections. Stop fighting the calendar or timezones, everyone is included, everyone saves time.


Both internally and externally loops benefit teams focused on design, messaging, and customer engagement. Loops can be sent to clients to engage them with a rich multimedia experience. Show your customers your personality and collect rich feedback/ testimonials with a simple link.


Leading people is hard. Our calendars are packed with check-ins to stay up to date and grow our team. Loops will convert those meetings into efficient and engaging stories that maintain relationships and free your calendar.

Agile Teams

The Daily Standup can be a real chore. Product Managers need updates and it’s beneficial to understand the rest of the team’s work. We pack all of that information into a loop designed specifically for your team. Everyone can post their updates and issues to a central place where it can be reviewed on-demand.


Less Meetings , More Intractions

  • Do Stand-ups differently. Gone are the days of everyone standing around and half listening to updates while the product manager is updated on the critical information they need. Now, every team member posts their video updates to the Daily Standup Loop and can quickly answer the poll question of “are you blocked?”

  • Meeting with and developing our employees is a key interaction, but they can often devolve into tactical updates. Ask the team if they need to meet synchronously. With 1-on-1 loops you can quickly poll your team for their feelings as well as give rich, emotive feedback to develop them as people.

  • These are often huge productions at a company with HR whipping everyone until the completion percentage is somewhere near acceptable. The insight they can give to leadership is critical, so the juice is worth the squeeze. Loops allow you to not squeeze so hard and poll the company at a moments notice, combined leadership messaging to engage.

  • Did your anxiety go up reading this header? Performance reviews are universally loathed and woefully inadequate for improving performance. Set-up a weekly loop to review your team’s performance, provide feedback, and poll for their well-being.

  • If you just landed a new big customer, then celebrate that success with a loop. Post a story to your team talking about the win and sharing the relevant details to begin the hand-off to your account teams. Those teams can respond with your congrats or questions to get moving.

  • Whether you want to show-off new features, onboard, or get feedback, loops will give you a way to poll your customer. Video stories easily communicate your message, build trust, and collect the information you need to make decisions without scheduling a meeting.

What're You Waiting For?